regione siciliana

The Reserves > Stromboli and Strombolicchio Nature Reserve

The reserve is established in order to protect:

  • the volcano that has been in persistent activity for at least two millennia with important evidence of structures belonging to an extinct volcanic edifice that has partly collapsed;
  • the interesting endemics such as: cytisus aeolicus, genista ephedroides, koekia saxicola (particularly widespread in Strombolicchio) and centaurea aeolica;
  • aspects of vegetation and matthiola rupestri, satureja graeca var, cosentinei and talpis virgata gussonei as well as those referable to quercus ilex and centaurea aeolica clusters;
  • the genista ephedroides and euphorbia dendroides scrub;
  • the small volcanic rock of Strombolicchio, which represents an intact and isolated ecosystem where an endemic subspecies of the wall lizard(lacerta sicula raffonei) has evolved.

The Reserve is designated a Special Area of Conservation (SAC),  under the Habitats Directive, as a Site of Community Importance (ITA 030026).  .

It also falls within the SPA zone – ITA 0300044, as a protection zone placed along the migration routes of avifauna.

Sciara del Fuoco

What is it?

Sciara del fuoco refers to a large lava flow that occurs periodically on the northwest side of the island of Stromboli. Indeed, the volcano is characterized by continuous eruptions of gas and ash, creating spectacular jets of fire and smoke.
The Sciara del Fuoco is one of the main attractions on the island of Stromboli and offers a unique and evocative spectacle, especially during the night hours when the red of the lava contrasts with the starry sky.

Where is it possible to see it from?

There are trails that make it possible to get close to the northwest side of the island and thus see the sciara del fuoco from a vantage point. Specifically, it is possible to follow the path from the village of St. Vincent to a vantage point 290m above sea level.


It is important to note that the Sciara del Fuoco is a highly dangerous area, accessible only with the accompaniment of an experienced guide, as the volcano's eruptions can be unpredictable and pose a safety risk to visitors.

Island of Strombolicchio

Strombolicchio is a small volcanic rock located about 2 km northeast of the island of Stromboli, at the northernmost point of the region. It represents an intact and isolated ecosystem where an endemic subspecies of the wall lizard has evolved.

Strombolicchio was formed by volcanic activity in the area and its origin dates back about 200,000 years. It consists of basalt, augite and andesite rocks and is what remains of what was the ancient volcanic edifice of Stromboli. At present, the cliff stands about 56 m above sea level with an area of 7620 sq. m.

At the top of the island, the lighthouse was built in 1926 and made active in 1938, whose main function is to signal the presence of the volcanic rock and the danger to navigation in that area of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Where to visit from?
The Strombolicchio Lighthouse can be admired from the sea on a boat trip, but climbing to the top of the cliff is not permitted.


Port and How to Get There

The town of Ginostra is located to the southwest on the island of Stromboli and, the only way to reach it, is via the harbor, which until a few years ago was the smallest in the world. This harbor, called the Pertuso, is located among the rocks and allows only one boat access at a time. Inside, there are only 3 small boats, while the others are pulled dry using phalanxes, wooden beams on which the lash of the boats are slid over. Landing for large boats was impossible and was done through the seafaring technique called "rollo," in which one small boat would join the other outside the harbor, loading goods and passengers and then unloading them ashore. This operation, often made difficult by weather conditions, isolated the village for long periods. In 2004 the old port was expanded, and in the same year the village was connected to the power grid.

The country

The village is located on a steep slope, reached by a mule track that leads to a small square where there is a monument to the fallen soldiers of World War II. The island's two roads start from the square: one leads to the church, while the other leads to Lazarus Beach. The village has only about 30 residents accustomed to solitude and tranquility.


The reserve is established in order to protect:

  • the volcano that has been in persistent activity for at least two millennia with important evidence of structures belonging to an extinct volcanic edifice that has partly collapsed;
  • the interesting endemics such as: cytisus aeolicus, genista ephedroides, koekia saxicola (particularly common in Strombolicchio) and centaurea aeolica;
  • aspects of vegetation and matthiola rupestri, satureja graeca var, cosentinei and talpis virgata gussonei as well as those referable to quercus ilex and centaurea aeolica clusters;
  • the genista ephedroides and euphorbia dendroides scrub;
  • the small volcanic rock of Strombolicchio, which represents an intact and isolated ecosystem where an endemic subspecies of the wall lizard (lacerta sicula raffonei) has evolved.

The Reserve and its habitats are
Site of Community Interest – Natura 2000 Network (SCI-ITA030026).
: habitats that contribute significantly to the maintenance of biodiversity in the region are part of this Network.

Sciara del Fuoco

What is it?

Sciara del fuoco refers to a large lava flow that occurs periodically on the northwest side of the island of Stromboli. In fact, the volcano is characterized by continuous eruptions of gas and ash, which create spectacular jets of fire and smoke. The Sciara del Fuoco is one of the main attractions on the island of Stromboli and offers a unique and evocative spectacle, especially during the night hours when the red of the lava contrasts with the starry sky.

Where is it possible to see it from?

There are trails that make it possible to get close to the northwest side of the Island and thus see the Sciara del fuoco from a vantage point. Specifically, it is possible to follow the path from the village of San VIncenzo to a vantage point 290m above sea level. It is also possible to see the Sciara del Fuoco by sea, through a boat excursion organized by the island's tourist agencies. During the excursion, you can watch the volcano eruptions from a safe distance, admiring the spectacle of the flames reflecting on the sea water.


It is important to note that the Sciara del Fuoco is a highly dangerous area and accessible only with the accompaniment of an experienced guide, as the volcano's eruptions can be unpredictable and pose a safety risk to visitors

Island of Strombolicchio

Stromolicchio is a small volcanic rock located about 2 km northeast of the island of Stromboli, representing an intact and isolated ecosystem where an endemic subspecies of the wall lizard has evolved.


Strombolicchio was formed by volcanic activity in the area and its origin dates back about 200,000 years. It consists of basalt, augite and andesite rocks and is what remains of what was the ancient volcanic edifice of Stromboli. At present, the cliff stands about 56 m above sea level.

Built in 1926 and made active in 1938, the lighthouse's main function is to signal the presence of the volcanic rock and the danger to navigation in that area of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Where to visit from?

The Strombolicchio Lighthouse can be admired from the sea on a boat trip, but climbing to the top of the cliff is not permitted.


Port and How to Get There

The town of Ginostra is located southwest in the Island of Stromboli and, the only way to reach it, is via the harbor, which until a few years ago was the smallest in the world. This harbor, called the Pertuso, is located among the rocks and allows only one boat access at a time. Inside, there are only 3 small boats, while the others are pulled dry using phalanxes, wooden beams on which the lash of the boats are slid over. Landing for large boats was impossible and was done through the seafaring technique called "rollo," in which a small boat would join the other boat outside the harbor, loading goods and passengers and then unloading them ashore. This operation, often made difficult by weather conditions, isolated the village for long periods. In 2004 the old harbor was amoplized, and in the same year the village was connected to the power grid.

The country

The village is located on a steep slope, reached by a steep mule track that leads to a small square where there is a monument to the fallen soldiers of World War II. The island's two roads start from the square: one leads to the church, while the other leads to Lazarus Beach. The village has only about 30 residents accustomed to solitude and tranquility. The houses, which respect anc

The paths

Distance: km 4.7 Elevation gain: 225m, ascent +277m descent -52m Difficulty: T Tourist

Starting from the Church of St. Vincent, proceeding northward, one crosses the entire township. After about 1,500 m you reach Piscità, where the actual trail begins. You walk another 500 m and reach the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track…

Distance: Km 1.59 Elevation gain: 89m, ascent +144m descent -55m Difficulty: E Hiking

Leave the village by climbing up steep steps in a northerly direction to the saddle bounded on the left by Timpone del Fuoco (m 147), on the right by Serro delle Capre. From here the trail begins, first level and then gently sloping in the midst of the lush Broom-predominated Macchia…

Distance: km 2.06 Height difference: m
235m, ascent +279m descent -43m
Difficulty: E Hiking

Starting from the church of St. Vincent, one walks down Corso Vittorio Emanuele and turns left taking Via del Camposanto until arriving, after a 430m walk and a 70m climb to the CImitero Vecchio di Stromboli, from …

Riserva Naturale di Stromboli e Strombolicchio​


L’isola si è formata negli ultimi 200.000 anni attraverso un’attività esplosiva continua, definita appunto “strom­boliana”. Per la sua forma rotondeggiante i Greci la chiamarono Strongyle. Il vicino isolotto di Strombolic­chio è quel che resta di una piccola bocca eruttiva. Quasi tutta l’isola presenta forti pendenze che vanno aumentando man mano che si sale verso la cima posta a circa m 924. Da vedere a Nord-Ovest è la “Sciara del fuoco”, una gigantesca depressione che accoglie i pro- dotti delle eruzioni.

Particolarità floristiche 

Si segna la vegetazione a Saccarum Aegyptiacum (Graminacea) ricoprente buona parte del versante orientale dell’isola e l’endemica Kochia Saxico/a di Strombolicchio. 

Particolarità faunistiche 

Sull’isolotto di Strombolicchio si è evoluta una sottospecie endemica di lucertola (Lacerto sicula raffonei).

Descrizione: Partendo dalla Chiesa di S. Vincenzo, procedendo ver­so Nord, si attraversa tutto l’abitato. Dopo circa m 1.500 si raggiunge Piscità, dove inizia il sentiero vero e proprio. Si percorrono altri m 500 e si raggiunge la Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa. Attra­verso ulteriori m 1.200 di leggera salita si perviene al semaforo Labronzo (quota m 115), nei pressi dell’Osservatorio. Girando a sinistra, si imbocca la Salita al Vulcano – Labronzo uno stradello che, dopo circa m 1.500 di salita, conduce al punto panoramico sulla Sciara del Fuoco (quota m 275).

Fin qui l’itinerario è relativamente facile e alla portata del normale escursionista. Chi invece volesse prosegui­re verso la bocca del vulcano deve sapere che il sen­tiero è molto disagevole e pericoloso, spesso su sabbia vulcanica incoerente e sdrucciolevole, per cui è obbligatorio farsi accompagnare da guida abilitata.

Habitat: Durante il percorso predomina l’habitat 6220* delle  “Praterie xerofile”, presenti lungo la Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa e lungo la salita al Vulcano.

Sentiero San Vincenzo – Piscità – Punto Panoramico Sciara del Fuoco

Riserva Naturale di Stromboli e Strombolicchio

Premessa Obbligatoria – Durante il percorso, alcuni tratti ricadono,  per rischio di crolli, in aree a pericolosità: P4 – molto elevata (nello specifico Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa). 

Da cià deriva la necessità di adottare le opportune misure di allertamento (D.P. n. 09/AdB del 06/05/2021)

Descrizione: Partendo dalla Chiesa di S. Vincenzo, procedendo ver­so Nord, si attraversa tutto l’abitato. Dopo circa m 1.500 si raggiunge Piscità, dove inizia il sentiero vero e proprio. Si percorrono altri m 500 e si raggiunge la Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa. Attra­verso ulteriori m 1.200 di leggera salita si perviene al semaforo Labronzo (quota m 115), nei pressi dell’Osservatorio. Girando a sinistra, si imbocca la Salita al Vulcano – Labronzo uno stradello che, dopo circa m 1.500 di salita, ci conduce al punto panoramico sulla Sciara del Fuoco (quota m 275).

Fin qui l’itinerario è relativamente facile e alla portata del normale escursionista. Chi invece volesse prosegui­re verso la bocca del vulcano deve sapere che il sen­tiero è molto disagevole e pericoloso, spesso su sabbia vulcanica incoerente e sdrucciolevole, per cui è obbligatorio farsi accompagnare da guida abilitata.

Habitat: Durante il percorso l’Habitat predominante sono le “Praterie Xerofile”, habitat 6220*, presenti lungo la Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa e nelle lungo la salita al Vulcano.

Copyright: Nanel 4

Descrizione: Si lascia il paese salendo per i ripidi gradoni in direzio­ne Nord fino alla sella delimitata, a sinistra, dal Timpo­ne del Fuoco (m 147), a destra dal Serro delle Capre. Da qui comincia il sentiero che si sviluppa pri­ma in piano e poi in leggera pendenza in mezzo alla lus­sureggiante Macchia a prevalenza di Ginestra. Si giunge così alla Punta dei Corvi, dove si aprono magnifici panorami sulla Sciara del Fuoco e sulle isole di Filicudi e Alicudi.

Habitat: Durante il percorso l’Habitat predominante è la “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”, habitat 5330.

Sentiero Ginostra - Punta dei Corvi

Riserva Naturale di Stromboli e Strombolicchio

Descrizione: Si lascia il paese salendo per i ripidi gradoni in direzio­ne Nord fino alla sella delimitata, a sinistra, dal Timpo­ne del Fuoco (m 147), a destra dal Serro delle Capre. Da qui comincia il sentiero che si sviluppa pri­ma in piano e poi in leggera pendenza in mezzo alla lus­sureggiante Macchia a prevalenza di Ginestra. Si giunge così alla Punta dei Corvi, dove si aprono magnifici panorami sulla Sciara del Fuoco e sulle isole di Filicudi e Alicudi.

Habitat: Durante il percorso l’Habitat predominante è la “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”, habitat5330.

Descrizione: Partendo dalla chiesa di San Vincenzo, si percorre il Corso Vittorio Emanuele e si svolta a sinistra prendendo Via del Camposanto fino ad arrivare, dopo un percorso di 430m ed una salita di 70m al CImitero Vecchio di Stromboli, da qui il sentiero prosegue per altri 1200m conducendo al Vallonazzo. Durante il percorso è possibile godere di panorami suggestivi sull’abitato di San Vincenzo e sull’isolotto di Strombolicchio. Da Vallonazzo il sentiero prosegue fino al raggiungimento del punto panoramico sulla Sciara del Fuoco (275m).
Fin qui l’itinerario è relativamente facile e alla portata del normale escursionista. Chi invece volesse prosegui­re verso la bocca del vulcano deve sapere che il sen­tiero è molto disagevole e pericoloso, spesso su sabbia vulcanica incoerente e sdrucciolevole, per cui è obbligatorio farsi accompagnare da guida abilitata.

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 6220* delle “Praterie xerofile”, presenti lungo la Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa e lungo la salita al vulcano. Lungo il Vallonazzo è presente inoltre l’habitat 5330 “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”.

Sentiero San Vincenzo – Cimitero - Vallonazzo - Sciara del Fuoco

Riserva Naturale di Stromboli e Strombolicchio

Descrizione: Partendo dalla chiesa di San Vincenzo, si percorre il Corso Vittorio Emanuele e si svolta a sinistra prendendo Via del Camposanto fino ad arrivare, dopo un percorso di 430m ed una salita di 70m al CImitero Vecchio di Stromboli, da qui il sentiero prosegue per altri 1200m conducendo al Vallonazzo. Durante il percorso è possibile godere di panorami suggestivi sull’abitato di San Vincenzo e sull’isolotto di Strombolicchio. Da Vallonazzo il sentiero prosegue fino al raggiungimento del punto panoramico sulla Sciara del Fuoco (275m).
Fin qui l’itinerario è relativamente facile e alla portata del normale escursionista. Chi invece volesse prosegui­re verso la bocca del vulcano deve sapere che il sen­tiero è molto disagevole e pericoloso, spesso su sabbia vulcanica incoerente e sdrucciolevole, per cui è obbligatorio farsi accompagnare da guida abilitata.

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 6220* delle “Praterie xerofile”, presenti lungo la Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa e lungo la salita al vulcano. Lungo il Vallonazzo è presente inoltre l’habitat 5330 “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”.

Stromboli and Strombolicchio Nature Reserve


The island was formed over the past 200,000 years through continuous explosive activity, referred to as “Strombolian.” Because of its round shape, the Greeks called it Strongyle. The nearby islet of Strombolicchio is what remains of a small eruptive vent. Almost the entire island has steep slopes that increase as one climbs toward the summit located at about m 924. A must-see in the northwest is the “Sciara of Fire,” a giant depression that houses the pro- ducts of eruptions.

Floristic peculiarities

Saccarum Aegyptiacum (Graminacea) vegetation covering much of the eastern side of the island and the endemic Kochia Saxico/a of Strombolicchio are marked.

Wildlife peculiarities

An endemic subspecies of lizard (Lacerto sicula raffonei) has evolved on the islet of Strombolicchio.

Description: Starting from the Church of St. Vincent, proceeding northward, one crosses the entire township. After about 1,500 m you reach Piscità, where the actual trail begins. Walk another 500 m and you reach the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track. Through an additional 1,200 m of gentle ascent, we reach the Labronzo traffic light (elevation 115 m), near the Observatory. Turning left, take the Salita al Vulcano – Labronzo a small road that, after about 1,500 m of ascent, leads to the viewpoint over the Sciara del Fuoco (elevation 275 m).

So far the route is relatively easy and within the reach of the normal hiker. However, those who wish to continue to the volcano’s mouth should know that the trail is very uneasy and dangerous, often on inconsistent and slippery volcanic sand, so it is mandatory to be accompanied by a licensed guide.

Habitat: Habitat 6220* of  “xerophilous grasslands,” present along the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track and along the ascent to the Volcano, predominates during the route.

San Vincenzo Trail - Piscità - Sciara del Fuoco Viewpoint

Stromboli and Strombolicchio Nature Reserve

Obligatory Foreword. – During the route, some sections fall,  due to risk of collapse, into hazard areas: P4 – very high (specifically Mulattiera Salvatore di Rosa). 

Hence the need to take appropriate warning measures (P.D. No. 09/AdB of 06/05/2021)

Description: Starting from the Church of St. Vincent, proceeding northward, one crosses the entire township. After about 1,500 m you reach Piscità, where the actual trail begins. Walk another 500 m and you reach the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track. Through an additional 1,200 m of gentle ascent, we reach the Labronzo traffic light (elevation 115 m), near the Observatory. Turning left, we take the Salita al Vulcano – Labronzo a small road that, after about 1,500 m of ascent, leads us to the viewpoint over the Sciara del Fuoco (elevation 275 m).

So far the route is relatively easy and within the reach of the normal hiker. However, those who wish to continue to the volcano’s mouth should know that the trail is very uneasy and dangerous, often on inconsistent and slippery volcanic sand, so it is mandatory to be accompanied by a licensed guide.

Habitat: Throughout the route the predominant Habitat is the “Xerophilous Prairies,” habitat 6220*, found along the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track and in the along the ascent to the Volcano.

Copyright: Nanel 4

Description: Leave the village by climbing up steep steps in a northerly direction to the saddle bounded on the left by Timpone del Fuoco (m 147), on the right by Serro delle Capre. From here the trail begins, first level and then gently sloping through the lush, Broom-dominated Macchia. This leads to Punta dei Corvi, where there are magnificent views of the Sciara del Fuoco and the islands of Filicudi and Alicudi.

Habitat: During the route, the predominant Habitat is “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation,” habitat 5330.

Ginostra Trail - Punta dei Corvi

Stromboli and Strombolicchio Nature Reserve

Description: Leave the village by climbing up steep steps in a northerly direction to the saddle bordered, on the left, by Timpone del Fuoco (m 147), on the right by Serro delle Capre. From here the trail begins, first level and then gently sloping through the lush, Broom-dominated Macchia. This leads to Punta dei Corvi, where there are magnificent views of the Sciara del Fuoco and the islands of Filicudi and Alicudi.

Habitat: During the route, the predominant habitat is “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation,” habitat5330.

Description: Starting from the church of San Vincenzo, walk down Corso Vittorio Emanuele and turn left taking Via del Camposanto until you reach, after a 430m walk and a 70m climb to the CImitero Vecchio di Stromboli, from here the trail continues for another 1200m leading to Vallonazzo. On the way there are striking views of the town of San Vincenzo and the islet of Strombolicchio. From Vallonazzo the trail continues until it reaches the viewpoint over the Sciara del Fuoco (275m).
So far the route is relatively easy and within the reach of the normal hiker. However, those who wish to continue to the volcano’s mouth should know that the trail is very uneasy and dangerous, often on inconsistent and slippery volcanic sand, so it is mandatory to be accompanied by a licensed guide.

Habitat: “Xerophilous grasslands” habitat 6220* is predominant along the route, present along the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track and along the ascent to the volcano. Along the Vallonazzo there is also habitat 5330 “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation.”

St. Vincent Trail - Cemetery - Vallonazzo - Sciara del Fuoco.

Stromboli and Strombolicchio Nature Reserve

Description: Starting from the church of San Vincenzo, walk down Corso Vittorio Emanuele and turn left taking Via del Camposanto until you reach, after a 430m walk and a 70m climb to the CImitero Vecchio di Stromboli, from here the trail continues for another 1200m leading to Vallonazzo. On the way there are striking views of the town of San Vincenzo and the islet of Strombolicchio. From Vallonazzo the trail continues until it reaches the viewpoint over the Sciara del Fuoco (275m).
So far, the route is relatively easy and within the reach of the normal hiker. However, those who wish to continue to the volcano’s mouth should know that the trail is very uneasy and dangerous, often on inconsistent and slippery volcanic sand, so it is mandatory to be accompanied by a licensed guide.

Habitat: “Xerophilous grasslands” habitat 6220* is predominant along the route, present along the Salvatore di Rosa Mule Track and along the ascent to the volcano. Along the Vallonazzo there is also habitat 5330 “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation.”