regione siciliana

The Reserves > Panarea Island Nature Reserve and Viciniori Reefs

The Reserve is established in order to protect:

  • the set of small ancient volcanic edifices with a lava outcrop, “Punta Milazzese,” of great archaeological importance, surrounded by smaller islands and rocks forming an exceptional landscape ensemble;
  • lacerta sicula trischittai present on Bottaro islet and lacerta sicula lisca biancae on Lisca Bianca islet;
  • the copious colonies of nesting birds on the cliffs overlooking the sea;
  • lizard (podarcis sicula ssp.) populations on the rocks that have diversified into subspecies endemic to each islet and, therefore, of considerable interest for the study of species evolution and geographically isolated faunal populations;
  • marine areas affected by important and widespread liquid and gas phase thermal events of relevant scientific interest.

The Reserve is designated a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the Habitats Directive as a Site of Community Importance (ITA 030025) .

It also falls within the SPA zone – ITA 0300044, as a protection zone placed along the migration routes of avifauna.

Punta Milazzese and Prehistoric Village

The Prehistoric Village

On the promontory of Punta Milazzese stands an ancient Bronze Age prehistoric settlement consisting of 23 oval huts and one quadrangular one. Numerous artifacts such as pottery, pots, utensils and other Mycenaean objects used in daily life have been found in the area.

Where it is located

The location of the prehistoric settlement, which juts out into the sea, is extremely strategic due to its high walls overlooking the sea and is breathtaking from a panoramic point of view. It is assumed that for a time it was also used as an outpost to spot pirate raids. A short path leads from the settlement area to Junco Cove, which probably served as a dock for the villagers.

Getting there

To reach the prehistoric settlement, one must follow the signs to Junco Cove. From the inhabited area of Panarea, one must take the road that leads to the Torrione Point and Zimmari Cove. From here, it is necessary to follow the path to Junco Cove, where the easily recognizable ancient prehistoric village is located.

Calcara and Fumarole Beach

The place

Calcara Beach is located in the northernmost area of the island of Panarea. The beach stands on an ancient crater from prehistoric times, surrounded by pristine greenery and rock. It is characterized by fumaroles that, by emitting gas, heat the water and stones, creating real natural hot springs.


In the eastern part of the basin, Bronze Age and Roman artifacts have been found.

How to get there

To reach the Calcara Beach, one must arrive in Ditella and, immediately after passing the power plant, take a path that leads to the beach in about a twenty-minute walk. It is one of the few beaches in Panarea that can be accessed from the mainland.


The reserve is established in order to protect:

  • – the set of small ancient volcanic edifices with a lava outcrop, “Punta Milazzese,” of great archaeological importance, surrounded by smaller islands and rocks forming an exceptional landscape ensemble;
  • lacerta sicula trischittai present on Bottaro islet and lacerta sicula lisca biancae on Lisca Bianca islet;
  • the copious colonies of nesting birds on the cliffs overlooking the sea;
  • lizard (rodarcis sicula ssp.) populations on the rocks that have diversified into subspecies endemic to each islet and, therefore, of considerable interest for the study of species evolution and geographically isolated faunal populations;
  • marine areas affected by important and widespread liquid and gas phase thermal events of relevant scientific interest.

The Reserve and its habitats are Site of Community Interest – Natura 2000 Network (SCI-ITA030025): habitats that contribute significantly to the maintenance of biodiversity in the region are part of this Network.

Punta Milazzese and Prehistoric Village

The Prehistoric Village

On the promontory of Punta Milazzese stands an ancient Bronze Age prehistoric settlement consisting of 23 oval huts and one quadrangular one. Numerous artifacts such as pottery, pots, utensils and other Mycenaean objects used in daily life have been found in the area.

Where it is located

The location of the prehistoric settlement, which juts out into the sea, is extremely strategic due to its high walls overlooking the sea and breathtaking from a panoramic point of view. It is assumed that for a time it was also used as an outpost to spot pirate raids. A short path leads from the settlement area to Junco Cove, which probably served as a dock for the villagers.

Getting there

To reach the prehistoric settlement, one must follow the signs to Junco Cove. From the inhabited area of Panarea, one must take the road that leads to the Torrione Point and Zimmari Cove. From here, it is necessary to follow the path to Junco Cove, where the easily recognizable ancient prehistoric village is located.

Calcara and Fumarole Beach

The place

Calcara Beach is located in the northernmost area of the island of Panarea. The beach is an ancient crater from prehistoric times, surrounded by pristine greenery and rock. It is characterized by the waters heated by sulfur vapor and fumaroles that emit gas heating the water and stones, creating true natural hot springs.


In the eastern part of the basin, Bronze Age and Roman artifacts have been found.

How to get there

To reach Calcara Beach, one must arrive in Ditella and, immediately after passing the power plant, take a path that leads to the beach in about a twenty-minute walk. It is one of the few beaches in Panarea that can be accessed from the mainland.

The paths

Km 2.52
Elevation gain
: 11m, ascent +86m descent -75m
: T Tourist

Description: From the island’s port, take the road “via Drauto” leading to the small village of Drauto at the end of which, after a total distance of 1770m, you reach the enchanting “Caletta dei Zimmari”….

Port of Panarea - Ditella - Calcara Fumarole Beach

Distance Km 1.54  Elevation gain : 10m, ascent +55m descent -45m  Difficulty : T Tourist

Description: From the port, take Via San Pietro, which runs through the built-up area and, after about 680m, reaches the village of Ditella; from here the road forks at a sharp bend. You then turn right where the road ends and the path begins, which, after about 550m…

Km 7.86
Elevation gain
: 0m, ascent +454m descent -453m
: EE Experienced Hikers

Description: From the Port of Panarea, follow Via San Pietro reaching the village of Ditella and then continuing to the end of the path.
At the end of this begins the path “Vetta Panarea”…

Km 1.73
Elevation gain
: 367m, ascent +3m descent -370m
: E Hiking

Description: From Punta del Corvo (421 m) , reached via the “Porto – Punta Corvo” Loop Trail, we take a small road that allows us to cross the island…

Riserva Naturale di Panarea e scogli Viciniori


Panarea (anticamente Euonymos, Panaria, Thermisia) è l’isola più piccola e meno elevata, raggiungendo Punta del Corvo l’altezza di m 421. Con le isolette minori e gli scogli vicini farebbe parte di uno stesso complesso vulcanico, in parte sprofondato. La costa nord occidentale presenta pareti alte e quasi verticali, impraticabili; quella sud orientale, meno elevata e disposta a più ripiani, accoglie i diversi centri abitati.

Particolarità floristiche 

Si segnala la presenza di piante molto rare quali Wahlembergia nutabunda (Campanulacea), Silene hicesiae (Caryophyllacea), Sese/i bocconei (Umbellifera), Scabiosa eretica (Dipsacacea), Orphrys lununlata (Orchideacea).

Particolarità faunistiche

Da attenzionare la presenza di due sottospecie endemiche di lucertole che popolano gli isolotti di Bottaro (Lacerto sicula trischittat) e Lisca Bianca (Lacerto sicula lisca biancae), e le numerose colonie di uccelli nidificanti sulle pareti a strapiombo del versante occidentale.

Particolarità Paleontologiche

Sul promontorio di Punta Milazzese è stato portato alla luce un villaggio di capanne risalenti all’Età del bronzo. Di grande interesse sono anche le località Calcara, Timpone del Corvo. Sull’isolotto di Basiluzzo si trovano vestigia di edifici romani.

Descrizione: Dal porto dell’isola si imbocca la strada “via Drauto” che porta al piccolo abitato di Drauto al termine della quale, dopo una percorrenza complessiva di 1770m, si raggiunge l’incantevole “Caletta dei Zimmari”. Si percorre quindi la spiaggia raggiungendo la scalinata che, attraverso agevoli tornanti sul vicino promontorio porta, dopo circa 400m di percorso e 40m di salita, alla Punta Milazzese. Da qui è possibile osservare la baia di Cala Junco ed il Villaggio Preistorico. 

Andando poco più avanti e scendendo lungo una scalinata in pietra si giunge al Villaggio Preistorico.

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”. Inoltre ci si imbatte anche nelle “Praterie xerofile” , habitat 6220*.

Sentiero Porto di Panarea – Drauto – Piano Milazzese

Riserva Naturale Isola di Panarea e scogli Viciniori

Premessa Obbligatoria – Durante il percorso, alcuni tratti ricadono,  per rischio di crolli, in aree a pericolosità: P4 – molto elevata. 

Da cià deriva la necessità di adottare le opportune misure di allertamento (D.P. n. 09/AdB del 06/05/2021)

Descrizione: Dal porto dell’isola si imbocca la strada “via Drauto” che porta al piccolo abitato di Drauto al termine della quale, dopo una percorrenza complessiva di 1770m, si raggiunge l’incantevole “Caletta dei Zimmari”. Si percorre quindi la spiaggia raggiungendo la scalinata che, attraverso agevoli tornanti sul vicino promontorio porta, dopo circa 400m di percorso e 40m di salita, alla Punta Milazzese. Da qui è possibile osservare la baia di Cala Junco ed il Villaggio Preistorico. 

Andando poco più avanti e scendendo lungo una scalinata in pietra si giunge al Villaggio Preistorico.

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”. Inoltre ci si imbatte anche nelle “Praterie xerofile” , habitat 6220*

Copyright: GerritR

Descrizione: Dal Porto di Panarea si segue la Via San Pietro raggiungendo l’abitato di Ditella e proseguendo dunque fino alla fine della via. 

Al termine di questa ha inizio il sentiero “Vetta Panarea” che, dal lato orientale dell’isola ci conduce nel versante occidentale raggiungendo la “Punta del Corvo” ( 421m)

Il sentiero ad anello prosegue quindi lungo la dorsale dell’isola da cui è possibile ammirare le isole di Salina, Filicudi ed Alicudi, giungendo fino alla parte sud dell’Isola e quindi incrociando il sentiero che collega Punta Milazzese al Porto di Panarea. Da qui è possibile seguire le indicazioni inerenti quest’ultimo sentiero..

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”. 

Sentiero Porto di Panarea – Punta Corvo (Anello)

Riserva Naturale Isola di Panarea e scogli Viciniori

Premessa Obbligatoria – Durante il percorso, alcuni tratti ricadono,  per rischio di crolli, in aree a pericolosità: P4 – molto elevata. 

Da ciò deriva la necessità di adottare le opportune misure di allertamento (D.P. n. 09/AdB del 06/05/2021)

Descrizione: Dal Porto di Panarea si segue la Via San Pietro raggiungendo l’abitato di Ditella e proseguendo dunque fino alla fine della via.
Al termine di questa ha inizio il sentiero “Vetta Panarea” che, dal lato orientale dell’isola ci conduce nel versante occidentale raggiungendo la “Punta del Corvo” ( 421m)
Il sentiero ad anello prosegue quindi lungo la dorsale dell’isola da cui è possibile ammirare le isole di Salina, Filicudi ed Alicudi, giungendo fino alla parte sud dell’Isola e quindi incrociando il sentiero che colelga Punta Milazzese al Porto di Panarea. Da qui è possibile seguire le indicazioni inerenti quest’ultimo sentiero.

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”.

Copyright: GerritR

Descrizione: Dalla Punta del Corvo (421 m) , raggiungibile tramite il Sentiero ad Anello “Porto – Punta Corvo”, si imbocca una stradina che permette di attraversare l’isola passando dall’altezza degli oltre 400 metri del punto di partenza fino all’altezza del mare dell’abitato di Drauto. 

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”. 

Sentiero Punta Corvo - Drauto

Riserva Naturale Isola di Panarea e scogli Viciniori

Descrizione: Dalla Punta del Corvo (421 m) , raggiungibile tramite il Sentiero ad Anello “Porto – Punta Corvo”, si imbocca una stradina che ci permette di attraversare l’isola passando dall’altezza degli oltre 400 metri del punto di partenza fino all’altezza del mare dell’abitato di Drauto.

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”.

Panarea Nature Reserve and Viciniori Reefs


Panarea (formerly Euonymos, Panaria, Thermisia) is the smallest and least elevated island, reaching Punta del Corvo the height of m 421. With the smaller islets and nearby reefs it would be part of the same volcanic complex, which has partly sunk. The northwest coast has high, almost vertical, impassable walls; the southeast coast, which is less elevated and arranged in several shelves, accommodates the various settlements.

Floristic peculiarities

The presence of very rare plants such as Wahlembergia nutabunda (Campanulacea), Silene hicesiae (Caryophyllacea), Sese/i bocconei (Umbellifera), Scabiosa eretica (Dipsacacea), and Orphrys lununlata (Orchideacea) are reported.

Wildlife peculiarities

Of note are the presence of two endemic subspecies of lizards that inhabit the islets of Bottaro (Lacerto sicula trischittat) and Lisca Bianca (Lacerto sicula lisca biancae), and the numerous colonies of nesting birds on the sheer walls of the western slope.

Paleontological features

A village of huts dating back to the Bronze Age has been unearthed on the promontory of Punta Milazzese. Also of great interest are the localities Calcara, Timpone del Corvo. On the islet of Basiluzzo are vestiges of Roman buildings.

Description: From the island’s port, take the road “via Drauto” that leads to the small village of Drauto at the end of which, after a total distance of 1770m, you reach the enchanting “Caletta dei Zimmari.” We then walk along the beach reaching the staircase that, through easy switchbacks on the nearby promontory leads, after about 400m of walking and 40m of climbing, to Punta Milazzese. From here it is possible to observe the bay of Cala Junco and the Prehistoric Village. 

Going a little further and descending down a stone staircase leads to the Prehistoric Village.

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant during the route. We also come across the “xerophilous grasslands” , habitat 6220*.

Panarea Harbor Trail - Drauto - Milazzese Plan

Panarea Island and Viciniori Reefs Nature Reserve

Obligatory Foreword – During the route, some sections fall, due to risk of collapse, into hazard areas: P4 – very high.

Hence the need to take appropriate warning measures (P.D. No. 09/AdB of 06/05/2021)

Description: From the island’s port, take the road “via Drauto” leading to the small village of Drauto at the end of which, after a total distance of 1770m, you reach the charming “Caletta dei Zimmari”. We then walk along the beach reaching the staircase that, through easy switchbacks on the nearby promontory leads, after about 400m of path and 40m of ascent, to Punta Milazzese. From here it is possible to observe the bay of Cala Junco and the Prehistoric Village.

Going a little further and descending down a stone staircase leads to the Prehistoric Village.

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of the “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant along the route. We also come across the “xerophilous grasslands” , habitat 6220*

Copyright: GerritR

Description:   From the Port of Panarea, follow Via San Pietro reaching the village of Ditella and then continuing to the end of the road. 

At the end of this begins the path “Vetta Panarea” which, from the eastern side of the island leads us to the western side reaching the “Punta del Corvo” ( 421m)

The loop trail then continues along the ridge of the island from which it is possible to admire the islands of Salina, Filicudi and Alicudi, reaching the southern part of the island and then crossing the trail that connects Punta Milazzese to Panarea Harbor. From here it is possible to follow the directions inherent in the latter path

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of the “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant along the route. 

Panarea Harbor Trail - Punta Corvo (Loop)

Panarea Island and Viciniori Reefs Nature Reserve

Obligatory Foreword

– During the route, some sections fall, due to risk of collapse, into hazard areas: P4 – very high.

Hence the need to take appropriate warning measures (P.D. No. 09/AdB of 06/05/2021)

Description: From the Port of Panarea, follow Via San Pietro reaching the village of Ditella and then continuing to the end of the street.
At the end of this begins the path “Vetta Panarea” which, from the eastern side of the island leads us to the western side reaching the “Punta del Corvo” ( 421m)
The loop trail then continues along the ridge of the island from which it is possible to admire the islands of Salina, Filicudi and Alicudi, reaching the southern part of the island and then crossing the trail that colelga Punta Milazzese to Panarea Harbor. From here you can follow the signs inherent in the latter path.

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of the “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant along the route.

Copyright: GerritR

Description:   From Punta del Corvo (421 m) , which can be reached via the “Porto – Punta Corvo” Ring Path, take a small road that allows you to cross the island, passing from the height of over 400 meters of the starting point to the sea level of the village of Drauto. 

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of the “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant along the route. 

Trail Punta Corvo - Drauto

Panarea Island and Viciniori Reefs Nature Reserve

Description: From Punta del Corvo (421 m) , reached via the “Porto – Punta Corvo” Ring Path, we take a small road that allows us to cross the island, passing from the height of over 400 meters of the starting point to the sea level of the village of Drauto.

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of the “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant along the route.