regione siciliana

Reserves > Alicudi Island Nature Reserve

The reserve is established in order to protect:

  • the small complex of partly destroyed lava domes, evidence of the oldest activities of the Aeolian volcanic complex;
  • the vegetation landscape with scrub aspects with genista ephedroides, arthemisia arborescens, euphorbia dendroides and heather arborea as well as cyst garigues;
  • halophilic associations, endemic entities along the coastal strip, to limonium minutiflorum and helicrysum litoreum;
  • the large colony of falcon eleonorae that nests on the island.

The Reserve is designated a SAC (Special Area of Conservation), under the Habitats Directive, as a site of community importance (ITA 030023) .

It also falls within the SPA zone – ITA 0300044, as a protection zone placed along the migration routes of avifauna.


Bazzina beach is located not far from Alicudi harbor in the north of the island: the only flat location at sea level, free of rocky outcrops and marked by a few typical whitewashed cottages.

The beach is characterized by pebbles and is small but enchanting, with clear, shallow waters.

Contrada and Church of San Bartolo

Starting from the port of Alicudi, follow the paved staircase to the San Bartolo district, located 330 meters above sea level. Here is the island's only historical landmark, the church of San Bartolo, built in 1821 on the remains of the 17th-century sacristy: this is dedicated to San Bartolo, patron saint of the Aeolian Islands.
Although it has no special features, the church offers a breathtaking panoramic view from the churchyard, enhanced by the scent of heather, making for an unforgettable experience.

Harp Wire

Mount Filo dell'Arpa dominates the island of Alicudi, with a height of 675m. However, this mountain is the cone of an extinct volcano that sinks more than 1,500 m into the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The summit can be reached via the path that passes through Contrada San Bartolo, passing through landscapes surrounded by greenery among prickly pear and heather plants.
Along the way you can also see some examples of the island's traditional architecture, such as the "pagliare," cone-shaped constructions used as shelters for fishermen's tools.
The trail to the top of the mountain is a hike of moderate difficulty, due to the steepness of the route, and requires training and stamina.


The reserve is established in order to protect:

  • the small complex of partly destroyed lava domes, evidence of the oldest activities of the Aeolian volcanic complex;
  • the vegetation landscape with scrub aspects with genista ephedroides, arthemisia arborescens, euphorbia dendroides and heather arborea as well as cyst garigues;
  • the halophilic associations, endemic entities along the coastal strip, to limonium minutiflorum and helicrysum litoreum;
  • the large colony of falcon eleonorae that nests on the island.

The reserve and its habitats are
Site of Community Interest – Natura 2000 Network (SCI-ITA030023).
: habitats that contribute significantly to the maintenance of biodiversity in the region are part of this Network.


Bazzina beach is located not far from Alicudi harbor in the north of the island: the only flat location on the island at sea level, free of rocky outcrops and marked by a few typical whitewashed cottages.

The beach is characterized by pebbles and is small but enchanting, with clear, shallow waters.

Contrada and Church of San Bartolo

Starting from the port of Alicudi, follow the paved staircase to the San Bartolo district, located 330 meters above sea level. Here lies the island's only historical landmark, the church of San Bartolo, built in 1821 on the remains of the seventeenth-century sacristy, this is dedicated to San Bartolo, patron saint of EOlie, and is the island's only historical monument.

Although it has no special features, the church offers a breathtaking panoramic view from the churchyard, enhanced by the scent of heather, for an unforgettable experience

Harp Wire

Mount Filo dell'Arpa dominates Alicudi Island, with a height of 675 meters. However, this mountain is the cone of an extinct volcano that sinks more than 1,500 meters into the depths of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The summit can be reached via the path that passes through Contrada San Bartolo, passing through landscapes surrounded by greenery among prickly pear and heather plants. Along the way, some examples of the island's traditional architecture can also be seen, such as the "pagliare," cone-shaped constructions used as shelters for fishermen's tools.

The trail to the top of the mountain is a hike of moderate difficulty, due to the steepness of the route, and requires training and stamina,

The paths

Km 1.89
Elevation gain
: 8m, ascent +166m descent -158m
: T Tourist

From the stopover, climb northward via the mule track Pantalucci Municipal Road paved mule track until you reach the Church of Carmine. You turn right and follow a path that climbs parallel to the coast…

Distance Km 3.11 Elevation gain : 460m, ascent +540m descent -79m  Difficulty : EE Experienced hikers

From the stopover, climb northward via the mule track Strada Comunale Pantalucci until you reach the Church of Carmine. From here, continuing in a northerly direction, we reach the Church of San Bartolo…

Riserva Naturale Isola di Alicudi


Originatasi per approssimazione e sovrapposizione di cupole laviche formatesi negli ultimi 100.000 anni.Alicudi, nticamente detta Ericusa per la grande diffusione dell’Erica, ha l’aspetto di una montagna conica a base quasi perfettamente circolare e a pareti ripide ed accidentate. Le uniche zone pianeggianti si trovano in località Bazzina, sul versante orientale, pochi metri sopra il livello del mare e in località Dirittusu a circa m. 500 di altitudine, poco distante dalla Montagnola, la cima più alta dell’isola (m 675 slm)

Particolarità floristiche

Oltre al raro Citiso delle Eolie si segnala la presenza di Ranunculus rupestris, Prunus avium, Scabiosa cretica, Rosmarinus officinalis, Fraxinus ornus. La macchia con Genista ephedroides, Arthemisia arborescens, Euphorbia dendroides ed Erica arborea. Frequenti pure le garighe a Cisti. Lungo la fascia costiera sono ben rappresentate le associazioni alofile a Limonium minutiflorum ed Helichrysum litoreum, entità endemiche.

Particolarità faunistiche

Di grande interesse alcuni endemismi tra Gasteropodi, Collemboli e Blattoidei e una numerosa colonia di Falco eleonorae.

Copyright: Enrico Romanzi

Descrizione: Dallo scalo si sale verso Nord attraverso la mulattiera lastricata Strada Comunale Pantalucci fino a raggiungere la Chiesa del Carmine. Si svolta a destra e si percorre un sentiero che si inerpica parallelo alla costa. Si raggiunge Bazzina, l’unica località pianeggiante dell’isola sul livello del mare, libera da affioramenti rocciosi e contrassegnata da alcune villette tipiche biancheggianti. Lungo l’itinerario si attraversano forme lussureggianti di macchia mediterranea, con veduta panoramica sulle altre isole e sulla costa tirrenica siciliana. 

Habitat: Durante il percorso è predominante l’habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”.

Sentiero Chiesa del Carmine - Bazzina

Riserva Naturale Isola di Alicudi

Premessa Obbligatoria – Durante il percorso, alcuni tratti ricadono,  per rischio di crolli, in aree a pericolosità: P4 – molto elevata. 

Da cià deriva la necessità di adottare le opportune misure di allertamento (D.P. n. 09/AdB del 06/05/2021)

Descrizione: Dallo scalo si sale verso Nord attraverso la mulattiera lastricata Strada Comunale Pantalucci fino a raggiungere la Chiesa del Carmine. Si svolta a destra e si percorre un sentiero che si inerpica parallelo alla costa. Si raggiunge Bazzina, l’unica località pianeggiante dell’isola sul livello del mare, libera da affioramenti rocciosi e contrassegnata da alcune villette tipiche biancheggianti. Lungo l’itinerario si attraversano forme lussureggianti di macchia mediterranea, con veduta panoramica sulle altre isole e sulla costa tirrenica siciliana. 

Habitat: Durante il percorso l’Habitat predominante è la “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”, habitat 5330.

Copyright: Enrico Romanzi

Descrizione Dallo scalo si sale verso Nord attraverso la mulattiera Strada Comunale Pantalucci fino a raggiungere la Chiesa del Carmine. Da qui, proseguendo sempre in direzione Nord, si raggiunge la Chiesa San Bartolo (m 340) e quindi il vecchio insediamento, oggi disabitato, di Montagna (m 500). Chi volesse continuare può spingersi fino al bivio successivo da dove, svoltando a destra, si raggiunge in 30 minuti circa il pianoro di Dirittusu. Svoltando a sinistra invece, è possibile raggiungere le vette più elevate dell’isola: Filo dell’Arpa (m 661) e Montagnole (m 665).

Habitat: Durante il percorso si incrocia, all’altezza di Contrada San Bartolo,  l’Habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”, proseguendo invece verso le vette di Filo dell’Arpa e Montagnole, o verso il pianoro di Dirittusu, si può osservare l’habitat 6220* delle “Praterie xerofile” e l’habitat 8130 “Ghiaioni con Vegetazione termofila”.

Sentiero Chiesa del Carmine - Chiesa di San Bartolo - Dirittusu / Filo dell'Arpa

Riserva Naturale Isola di Alicudi

Premessa Obbligatoria – Durante il percorso, alcuni tratti ricadono,  per rischio di crolli, in aree a pericolosità: P4 – molto elevata. 

Da cià deriva la necessità di adottare le opportune misure di allertamento (D.P. n. 09/AdB del 06/05/2021)

Descrizione Dallo scalo si sale verso Nord attraverso la mulattiera Strada Comunale Pantalucci fino a raggiungere la Chiesa del Carmine. Da qui, proseguendo sempre in direzione Nord, si raggiunge la Chiesa San Bartolo (m 340) e quindi il vecchio insediamento, oggi disabitato, di Montagna (m 500). Chi volesse continuare può spingersi fino al bivio successivo da dove, svoltando a destra, si raggiunge in 30 minuti circa il pianoro di Dirittusu. Svoltando a sinistra invece, è possibile raggiungere le vette più elevate dell’isola: Filo dell’Arpa (m 661) e Montagnole (m 665).

Habitat: Durante il percorso si incrocia, all’altezza di Contrada San Bartolo,  l’Habitat 5330 della “Vegetazione di Macchia Gariga”, proseguendo invece verso le vette di Filo dell’Arpa e Montagnole, o verso il pianoro di Dirittusu, si può osservare l’habitat 6220* delle “Praterie xerofile” e l’habitat 8130 “Ghiaioni con Vegetazione termofila”.

Alicudi Island Nature Reserve


Originated by approximation and superposition of lava domes formed in the last 100,000 years.Alicudi, ntically called Ericusa because of the large spread of Erica, has the appearance of a conical mountain with an almost perfectly circular base and steep, rugged walls. The only flat areas are in the Bazzina locality on the eastern slope, a few meters above sea level, and in the Dirittusu locality at about m. 500 elevation, not far from Montagnola, the highest peak on the island (m 675 asl)

Floristic peculiarities

In addition to the rare Aeolian Citiso, the presence of Ranunculus rupestris, Prunus avium, Scabiosa cretica, Rosmarinus officinalis, Fraxinus ornus is reported. The scrub with Genista ephedroides, Arthemisia arborescens, Euphorbia dendroides and Erica arborea. Cyst garigues are also frequent. Along the coastal strip, halophilic associations of Limonium minutiflorum and Helichrysum litoreum, endemic entities, are well represented.

Wildlife peculiarities

Of great interest are some endemics among Gastropods, Collemboli and Blattoidea and a large colony of Falco eleonorae.

Copyright: Enrico Romanzi

Description: From the stopover, climb northward via the paved mule track Strada Comunale Pantalucci until you reach the Church of Carmine. Turn right and follow a path that climbs parallel to the coast. You reach Bazzina, the only flat location on the island at sea level, free of rocky outcrops and marked by a few typical whitewashed cottages. Along the route we pass through lush forms of Mediterranean scrubland, with panoramic views of other islands and the Sicilian Tyrrhenian coast. 

Habitat: Habitat 5330 of the “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation” is predominant along the route.

Carmine Church Trail - Bazzina

Alicudi Island Nature Reserve

Obligatory Foreword – During the route, some sections fall, due to risk of collapse, into hazard areas: P4 – very high.

Hence the need to take appropriate warning measures (P.D. No. 09/AdB of 06/05/2021)

Description: From the stopover, climb north through the paved mule track Strada Comunale Pantalucci until you reach the Church of Carmine. Turn right and follow a path that climbs parallel to the coast. You reach Bazzina, the only flat location on the island at sea level, free of rocky outcrops and marked by a few typical whitewashed cottages. Along the route we pass through lush forms of Mediterranean scrubland, with panoramic views of other islands and the Sicilian Tyrrhenian coast.

Habitat: During the route, the predominant habitat is “Garrigue Scrub Vegetation,” habitat 5330.

Copyright: Enrico Romanzi

Description From the stopover, climb northward via the mule track Strada Comunale Pantalucci until you reach the Church of Carmine. From here, continuing in a northerly direction, we reach the Church of San Bartolo (m 340) and then the old, now uninhabited settlement of Montagna (m 500). Those who wish to continue can go as far as the next fork from where, turning right, it takes about 30 minutes to reach the Dirittusu plateau. Turning left, on the other hand, it is possible to reach the highest peaks of the island: Filo dell’Arpa (m 661) and Montagnole (m 665).

Habitat: On the way, at the height of Contrada San Bartolo, the Habitat 5330 of the “Vegetation of Macchia Gariga” is crossed, continuing instead towards the peaks of Filo dell’Arpa and Montagnole, or towards the Dirittusu plateau, the habitat 6220* of the “Xerophilous Grasslands” and the habitat 8130 “Gravel banks with Thermophilous Vegetation” can be observed.

Carmine Church Trail - Church of San Bartolo - Dirittusu / Harp Wire

Alicudi Island Nature Reserve

Obligatory Foreword – During the route, some sections fall, due to risk of collapse, into hazard areas: P4 – very high.

Hence the need to take appropriate warning measures (P.D. No. 09/AdB of 06/05/2021)

Description From the stopover, climb north through the mule track Strada Comunale Pantalucci until you reach the Church of Carmine. From here, continuing in a northerly direction, we reach the Church of San Bartolo (m 340) and then the old, now uninhabited settlement of Montagna (m 500). Those who wish to continue can go as far as the next fork from where, turning right, it takes about 30 minutes to reach the Dirittusu plateau. Turning left, on the other hand, it is possible to reach the highest peaks of the island: Filo dell’Arpa (m 661) and Montagnole (m 665).

Habitat: On the way, at the height of Contrada San Bartolo, Habitat 5330 of the “Vegetation of Macchia Gariga” is encountered, continuing instead towards the peaks of Filo dell’Arpa and Montagnole, or towards the Dirittusu plateau, Habitat 6220* of the “Xerophilous Grasslands” and Habitat 8130 “Gravels with Thermophilic Vegetation” can be observed.